
Even in these chains, you won't stop me



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
11-05-2020, 02:03 AM

The sounds that he was able to pull from his empress were astounding, soft feminine whines and whimpers swimming in his brain like a potent drug, suffocating his senses in an unfamiliar euphoria. Fire threatened to burn the brindled wolf from the inside out, smoldering in the remnants of whatever soul he had left and flaring up in his black eyes as he gazed upon Lurid's beautiful, angelic face. Her smile, the way she looked back at him through half-lidded prismatic eyes, the giggle that resonated in her melodious duo-toned voice, everything was enticing him, like the scent of fresh blood in the water to a ravenous shark. For all their lives, Alastor had always felt an unseen force pulling him to Lurid; whether it was destiny or something else didn't matter. From an early age, their paths had always seemed intertwined, like their very souls were cut from the same fabric of reality. She was the puzzle that he fit into, and he had been the lifejacket that kept her afloat whenever life tried to drown her. They needed each other mutually, but the extent to which that need ran was much, much deeper than even he had realized. The two wolves were a perfect equilibrium of unstable checks and balances, having known the darkness the other had inside of them and the horrors they had endured. They were each other's safety systems when they came crashing down. But now... now it was something much more powerful.

Alastor's heart still beat against his chest like it were trying to break free. A hunger he hadn't dared to even indulge with fantastical daydreams was now gnawing at his very being, and the dire brute suddenly felt starved for more of her. He had also always loved and desired her, for as much as his warped mind could allow. She had always been this perfect, beautiful creature just barely beyond his reach. That belief was well and truly shattered now. She was still as perfect and as beautiful as ever... but no longer was she outside his grasp. They had crossed a threshold together this evening—one that would change their relationship and their dynamic forever. He knew it, and deep down he wondered if this had always been an inevitable step they had to take together. The beast inside of him craved her, demanded needs be satisfied on the most primal of levels, but a glance down at her wounded leg allowed Alastor to remain in control of himself and reminded him of what was more important than his own selfish sex drive. There would be plenty of time to indulge in new pleasures and luxuries together when she was in a better state. What mattered now was getting Lurid healed.

When she confirmed that she was in control again, Alastor's smile widened a touch, lifting his head up out of the way so she could settle more comfortably on his broad chest. The paw on the back of her head ran delicate claws through her silken fur, just barely scratching along her scalp and down the back of her neck in slow, soothing strokes. Having her pressed this close, with his heart racing the way it was, Alastor was half convinced she'd be able to hear it. His other paw would go to wrap around her back, embracing her close to his body as she came back down from her maddened high. Now that she was calm again, they'd be able to get her the medical attention she direly needed.

"There you are... I've got you..." he spoke, muzzle close to her ears with a voice that was both calming and low. "We need to get your leg looked at. There's a new pack in east Boreas that has healers who can help. Are you going to let me carry you, or are you going to be stubborn and insist you can walk?" He chuckled softly after speaking, letting her know he was still teasing, but also genuinely concerned for her. If she wanted to walk, he would help her every step of the way. But with her leg the way it was, getting out of that cave had been a miracle. Traversing half of Boreas... that was another story.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
