
oh what tangled webs we weave




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-05-2020, 11:05 AM

Lachlan was relatively private and in normal circumstances wouldn’t even dream of being so open with his affections. However if he was paying attention to anything but Tyrian he would have realized there was no one who cared about the activities going on here on the secluded part of the beach. Lachlan only had eyes for the man above him. As he was rolled back Lach aimed to wrap his pale arms around Tyrian’s neck as they kissed. His heartbeat was erratic and his breathing quickened at their closeness.

The young Valentine was very much naive, he knew the basics but this was unlike anything he’d been through. He was excited and nervous but at the same time he was relaxed and felt at ease in Tyrian’s embrace. Lach easily gave control to Tyr, allowed him to guide him through these unknown paths to a destination he wasn’t certain of. There was a sweet slowness in the way that Tyrian moved, and even when he started to pull away from his lips Lachlan felt those magnificent fangs brush against him with every kiss and nibble down his throat and towards his chest.

The gasp that left him was as unexpected as Tyrian’s attention to his belly and the gentle downward trail. Lachlan’s paws had settled on his chest and his attention was so caught up that his bright blue eyes didn’t leave Tyrian’s features as he focused on his pale body. Butterflies erupted in his belly and for (thankfully only a split second) he thought that he’d lose his cookies with the nerves that collected. Even though the emotions were intense Lachlan wore his shy smile with pride. He adored the attention that Tyrian was giving him and as his deliberate motions continued to build the excitement within him.

The sudden pause in Tyrian’s work renewed Lachlan’s focus as he caught the massive man’s eye and impish grin. His own exhilaration was obvious beneath him but with Tyrian’s expression there wasn’t any embarrassment as his intentions became crystal clear. ”Oh,” he gasped again softly, his voice nervous but eager in the same word. His breath was short and he was barely able to form words. ”Tyrian.” Saying his lover’s name created more excitement and though he wanted to watch his head was laid back in pleasure and the soft sounds of his enjoyment were not held back.
