11-06-2020, 08:04 PM
The little man introduced himself as Sota and explained that he might have a broken leg. Oof, that wasn't going to be fun. "Ok, I'll have Raga take a look. We'll get you feeling better soon." She gestured to her macaque companion who moved forward and with her deft hands began to palpitate the leg while Lúta started pulling herbs off the shelves. "Oh, that's rotten luck. It does seem to be broken but it looks like a clean, straight break. What happened?"
Lúta heard her companion and pulled out a bundle of hide bandages. She pulled down some powdered root of Avens for the pain, marigold for the bruising and ointment made from ox-eye daises for the inflammation. "Raga, can you get a fire going for me please. Percy?" She looked over to her pack mate. "Do you think you could find me something to use as a splint? Sticks, bark, bones, just something to help stabalize the leg."