
Serves You Right.


09-07-2013, 06:34 PM

Serves you right for taking your good 'ole sweet time. The black wolf loped along at an easy, long stride. His muscles rippled under a thick shadowy hued pelt. He'd covered a lot of ground in his lifetime, but he felt certain that this trek from the old lands to the new, had by far been the longest trek of his life. And he'd done it alone. He had left the Valhalla pack lands in search of game - and to escape the scent of death he'd encountered. He'd needed to clear his head. He had just joined the pack and doubted if his presence had even been missed, but as soon as he'd returned, the land had been as lively as a graveyard. He'd really kicked himself in the head. What must they think of me? Abandoning them? Ditching them? Unloyal? He had shuddered at the thought and had resolutely made up his mind to track the pack down.

Now, two years later, he had finally caught a fresh scent and trail of what had once been his pack. "I must be an idiot." The lone lupine rumbled to himself. The last few years hadn't been easy, but he'd been foolishly determined to reunite with the pack and the funny thing was...he couldn't put a finger on why. He knew loyalty was a large part of his character, but still - a pack that had just left him - but then again...he'd left them too, unintentionally mind you, but still to their eyes that was what it would be.

He crossed the pack line into the plains. His wraith hued coat blended in with the shadows of the lengthening grass as the sun positioned itself for it's evening retirement. Was evening the best time to make his presence known? The last thing he wanted was to have to fight first and talk later, though his body build and design said other wise. He was a warrior when it counted, but he didn't want that to be the way in which he reunited with what had been - to him anyways - family. "Best speak up now, while there is still light to cast it's positive undercurrents." He gave pause to his travel, now thick in the heart of the territory and let loose a lone, wolf cry out into the stratosphere...hoping that someone from the old lands would hear his cry and welcome him back home. He closed his maw and waited, body tense and ready for whatever was to come.

This was going to be a wait that felt like an eternity. He lowered his haunches to the ground and embraced this moment of practicing patience, all the while wondering how much in the pack had changed since his untimely parting of the ways. He shrugged his shoulders as if rolling off those darker secrets whispering of rejection. I can only do my part and wait. And wait he would to embrace whatever was to be his allotment in life.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think