
Once upon a ditch



5 Years
Extra large
09-07-2013, 06:43 PM

It had been several days since he had seen Oddity and Taurig was rather glad that he hadn't run into the man again. It wasn't that he didn't like Oddity, he was just well...odd. There wasn't a better way to put it and the knight still wasn't sure how to feel about the newest male member in Glaciem. But nonetheless he was a pack mate and Taurig had told him he would help him if the need ever arose; he just never thought it would have arisen so quickly.

Taurig was doing some routine patrols, weaving his way in and out of the heart of the territory when suddenly two barks caught the titan's attention, causing him to veer of course in search of the wolf responsible for the call. At first he didn't see anyone, given that the wolf that had called out wasn't in plan sight, but as he continued forward, he would notice a ditch gaping in the earth. Upon further inspection the grey-blue giant would realize that the caller had been Oddity. He was stuck in the ditch and needed help. Limbs pulled the man to the edge of the ditch, icy gaze coming down on the smaller man's figure. Are you okay Oddity? Are you hurt? He would call out to the smaller man, trying to asses his physical state to better figure out a plan to get him out.

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