
bear necessity




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-07-2020, 07:43 PM
Lachlan snapped his teeth at the large black bear, really it was probably average but compared to Lachlan it was massive. Still, the young Valentine boy had little other choice but to face the beast. He growled and raised his hackles and made himself big like a cat might, but even that wasn’t enough to intimidate the bear. A tried to take a step forward, putting on a much braver act than he felt. Unfortunately his bluff was called and the black ursine swiped its massive claws across Lachlan’s face.

He cried out in pain as his skin was split. The bear was about to make its move on him when Tyrian’s attack took all of its focus. Lachlan’s too, for a split second before he tried to retreat. Blood filled his left eyes no matter how much he blinked. He squinted out of his right, he wasn’t going to be much help to Tyrian, but like he’d predicted the bear was a coward and felt the sting of loss without much effort from the King’s part.

Without so much as a defiant whimper the bear high tailed it out of the woods, there was more fruit to be had elsewhere in the orchard. Adrenaline pumped quickly through his veins as Lach tried to convince his body the threat was gone, but he was breathing hard, mouth agape and his head low from the weight of the pain. His face was starting to throb, his pale fur was stained with blood, and now he was suddenly reunited with Tyrian.

Red ears fell to his skull as one bright blue eye turned to his rescuer. ”Hey,” He started softly, like he hadn’t just been in a life or death situation. ”Thank you.” And then the adrenaline ran obviously as his rump fell to the earth heavily. He was cut up and hadn’t realized the headache that was now swelling in his brain. He’d been meaning to work up the courage to try and see Tyrian again, figured he’d come along at the worst (best?) moment.