
Bouncey, Bouncey




Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
11-08-2020, 11:16 PM
A quest for herbs that couldn't be found on her home continent had Pidge dragging Torrent and Asriel south across the land bridge, but they hadn't quite reached the raccoon's planned location when Asriel stopped suddenly, his muzzle wrinkling as he sniffed. "Wait," he growled, slamming a paw down on the raccoon to stop her from waddling any further. Torrent stopped as well, scenting the wind to catch a curious smell, something like and yet unlike Asriel. She didn'trecognize it, but judging by the expression on Asriel's face he certainly did. "Tiger. I fought one with Enrico, years back, but I would rather not do so now. There were many of us then - not two and a fat little weasel. We need to go another way, avoid it entirely."

But fate would have different plans, as an odd, long-legged canine broke cover right before them, followed by a scrawny striped cat larger than Asriel - a size difference that was easy to note, since the tiger's momentum was such that he slammed into the smaller cat and knocked him tail over ears into the brush. Luckily for the odd canine, it had managed to lead the tiger to a distraction. Unfortunately, that distraction was Torrent and the chubby raccoon he had stepped on as he careened into the now-dazed snow leopard. The tiger might actually have been content with just snatching the snack and running, with the newly long odds, but Torrent leaped on him in a fury even as the tiger reached out one clawed paw intending to nab the raccoon. Her long fangs slashed at his throat, and only the tiger evading with the lightning speed of his kind stopped her from ending the fight right there. As it was, she opened two jagged lacerations down his shoulder, and he retaliated with a smack of a claw-filled paw that opened wounds over her ribs before they separated, circling and snarling. Torrent's blood was up, and the world seemed to swim beneath a filter of black-edged crimson. She nearly trembled with the need to throw herself at him and take him apart.