
Turns out god hates me but its fine



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-10-2020, 06:44 PM
She seemed at least somewhat calmed by her presence, which Ásvor was grateful for. Perhaps there was a better wolf within Fireside, someone she was more familiar with, someone who could calm her down more easily - but Ásvor was who had found her, and she had no doubt it was better than lying there alone. She said she thought she could walk, and Ásvor hummed in acknowledgement. Abilene was able to stand, and she moved to angle herself directly against her side - the one opposite her injured leg - so that she could hopefully lean on her and mostly relieve the weight from it. Once she did as instructed, Ásvor began the slow but steady trek back to her den. She had no clue where Valdis or Ulfr were, but she had no doubt they'd understand if she took over and let Abilene rest there awhile.

By the time they reached her den, she directed Abilene inside. There were furs that lined part of their den would prove far more comfortable than lying on the floor, Ásvor knew for sure. Moving swiftly once she was settled in, Ásvor found her herb bundles and tried to assess what would be best used. Nothing she had could cure blindness, nor fix a torn ear, unfortunately. She had pain relievers that might help her leg, but calming her down still seemed most important. One plant in particular could easily work on both of those issues, temporarily but hopefully it'd let her relax long enough to let her rest. Grabbing a few small cannabis leaves, she brought them to Abilene and laid them on her paws - quite literally, since she knew she might have difficulty finding them otherwise. "Eat a few of these," she encouraged her gently.  "They will help with the pain and relax your body. Maybe even enough to sleep." In a better state of mind they might even make her feel good but in Abilene's fragile state, the most she could ask for was to help relax her and ease some of the pain for now while she rebuilt her strength. The rest would be tended to after. Her injuries seemed mostly superficial, and though her face was bloody the source seemed to be her ear rather than her eyes. Ásvor couldn't begin to imagine what had happened to render her sightless.