
But Why is the Pesto Gone?



3 Years
Dire wolf

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1BeeventBronze Medal 2020Critical Fail!
1KValentines 2020VolcanoTreat 2019
11-10-2020, 07:25 PM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2020, 07:26 PM by Pestilence.)
Finding a friendly face on her way home had made the walk a thousand times more bearable, and while she couldn't manage much words of explanation it didn't seem to bother Sparrow any. Nor did the blood and dust that clung to her fur, no doubt spreading onto the shoulder which Sparrow had kindly offered. She was a good wolf, Pesto decided. When they neared the knolls, her stomach began to turn in knots. Alarr was literally going to kill her. The guy was as skilled a fighter as she was if not more, and he'd had to patch her up way too many times in the last season for him to turn a blind eye to her coming home mangled again. She glanced over at Sparrow, wishing her pack-mate was instead a healer so that they could deal with this here and now without her best friend having to find out.

"It's really a long story." She started, clearly uncomfortable. Would Sparrow think she was a loser? "My sister - or ex-sister or whatever - she's been a bitch all my life because she believes she's a God." Pesto gave her pack-mate 'the look' that said, yeah, i know, right?? before continuing. "I'm not a fucking sheep so I don't buy into their bullshit, but fuck. Tox really does. So we fight a lot. She likes to bring up my dad and tell me just how disappointed in me he must be, but the dude is dead so I don't buy into any of that either."

Her voice nearly cracked at mention of her father, though she held it together best she could and hoped it would just pass off as exhaustion. "So I went to the volcano where he died and Tox was there with one of my other sisters. I was just, so fucking mad!" There was the possibility that Sparrow might look down on her for instigating the fight, but Pesto was venting now and not thinking clearly enough to lie to make the story sound less of an unwarranted attack between packs. "I attacked her, they fought back against me two on one. I would have won but they went for my stitches, put me down, then pushed me off the cliff." Pestilence gave a heavy sigh, slumping onto the grass. "Can we just stop here? My paws feel like they're about to fall off.