
On my way

for Úlfr



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-10-2020, 07:27 PM
It was hardly a surprise that Úlfr had taken a liking to two raven friends. Such companions were common on the Finnvi side of the family, and though he wasn't quite blood related Ásvor would think of him no differently than if he were. Her own interest had tended toward serpents, but she certainly recognized the useful of avian companions. He'd made a fine choice there. "Have you tried communicating with them at all? Or just chasing them?" Ásvor asked curiously, raising an eyebrow and grinning at the boy.

His question wasn't surprising, but she had something different in mind than a simple fight lesson. Teaching Úlfr about her upbringing and the gods and goddesses that her family historically worshiped was important to her. She knew Valdis had shared a similar upbringing, but had distanced herself from those beliefs more than she had. Hopefully Valdis agreed with her sharing these teachings with their son - if not she supposed they could argue about it later. Not every decision was made easily, and she recognized that she couldn't always check in with Valdis to get her input before making a decision. Ah well. "Sort of. I'd like to teach you more about my family's gods while we practice." Her mother's faith had been unquestionable, though her own had been far less devoted. In a way though she felt her relationship with Valdis and now raising Ulfr was exactly what as needed of her. What better way to worship the gods that had been responsible for her own life than to raise a son of her own? "Tell me what you want to learn first. Do you need practice in attacking? Defending? Something else entirely?" Though Ásvor was the tough-love sort of parent, she also wasn't terribly overbearing. Better to foster Úlfr's own particular interests and skill-sets rather than assume she knew what was best for him.