
What Desire Makes Foolish People Do




7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
11-11-2020, 04:32 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

The visible distress on her face and the tears that were starting to gather in her eyes made his gentle smile fade from his face so that worry and concern could take its place. He started to say so many things and couldn't get any of it out as she began to break down, his ears folding back against his head as he floundered and tried to think of any possible way to comfort her. He didn't know what had happened or what was causing this, but he wanted to comfort her so badly. "Hey hey hey, it's okay..." he said softly as he inched closer to carefully pull her against him as he settled onto his haunches. If she let him, he would wrap his foreleg around her shoulders and hold her close while she let out all of these emotions that had clearly been building up for some reason. The actual reason for all of this didn't even cross his mind as a possibility until she finally spoke again.

"I'm pregnant."

The words didn't really click in his mind. He heard her, but they didn't register with him for a moment. It left him blinking with confusion and speechless again. She was pregnant... She was pregnant. A lot of different emotions rushed at him all at once, but eventually the initial shock faded into worry and a fear of suddenly facing the possibility of being a father. Over all though, as the thought really settled into his mind, an undeniable joy overshadowed all of those other emotions. He knew he had family within Abaven, but no real direct family and certainly no love or children of his own. This had all gone far faster than he would have ever imagined, but if he said that he wasn't excited he would be lying.

A grin creeped across his face and he gave Aranea a squeeze in his embrace. It was obvious that this revelation had upset her, but he hoped that perhaps his excitement would help ease her worries about things. He gently lifted her muzzle so that he could lean down to bring his lips to hers, leaving a lingering, tender, loving kiss at the end of her muzzle. After a long moment of just letting his actions speak instead of his words, he leaned back enough for his eyes to find hers again while he grinned happily. "Aranea, that's... that's wonderful! Please don't worry. We'll figure this out together, okay? Whatever you want to do, I'll be with you every step of the way."