
Bonnie and Clyde

Fel & Sibyl


11-11-2020, 05:09 PM

Everything that the silver-streaked shadow of a wolf did and everything she said seemed to be meticulously crafted and designed to entice and allure, as if she were the sweetest of predators luring their prey in without a notion of danger. Or perhaps she was simply an elaborate and promiscuous woman seeking out a good time. It was impossible to tell from first impressions, but it was the glimmer of a conniving and sharp mind glistening behind those rubies she called eyes that had Azriel in an unusual cocktail of wariness and intrigue. Almost every wolf he had ever met before had either been so dully open with themselves or ludicrously guarded that they became a caricature. Fel was neither. Fel was unique. Unique was unfamiliar. And unfamiliarity was dangerous to the monochromatic brute. Yet despite his reservations, he could not bring himself to look away from her, not when she grinned with wicked intention, not when she gave a seductive chuckle, and not when she spoke with words that exuded with lurid sexual tones. She was a labyrinth he was incapable of overcoming in their short time—a challenge he had not faced before in some time. That made her interesting. Oh so interesting...

Gray-toned eyes met burning red when she fixed him with her gaze once more, and again Azriel felt the electrifying tension between them. She was trying to work him out too. Was she succeeding? He had no doubts that she had Sibyl pegged down from their short interactions judging by the way the two faes were behaving with one another. Sibyl was not hard to grasp, literally and figuratively. She was one of those wolves that was open and clear with their intentions. That was what made her such an effective partner and invaluable tool in his plots: she was trustworthy in her honesty. Fel spoke again, and once more Azriel had to maintain his stony expression to not give away how her words were captivating his attention. Disappointment weighed down on him when the little silver shadow said she had to return to her duties, but perhaps that was for the best. If they spent too much time together, how much would she be able to draw from him? Although she still didn't seem like a threat to them, Azriel had also not found a reason to trust her yet. But Fel had started a mental chess game between them, and Azriel, ever lusting for dominance and victory, was loathe to let the game go unfinished. She was his puzzle now, and he was going to piece her together.

A gorgeous black cat dropped down near them and sauntered its way with the grace only a feline could possess over to Fel, leaping onto the woman's back. Azriel cocked his head to the side; was this a pet of hers? His ears perked, flicking to catch the soft voice of the cat as it spoke to her master. Another name: Eligos. Azriel did not miss the way Fel's brow furrowed at the mention of that name. Was that frustration? Disdain? Concern, perhaps? The expression didn't last long enough for him to decipher anymore before the ebony woman hid it once more behind a carefully practiced facade. Damn, she was good at hiding. Either way, he had learned a little more about her. She had duties to someone, either a wolf or an entity like a pack. She belonged to something or someone else. But that made no sense. Fel seemed so... liberated, carefree, independent. What could have such a hold over a woman like her? It was yet another mystery to the enigma that she was, and furthered his desire to unmask those answers. Azriel's lips pursed together, trying to keep the disappointed frown from his face as Fel dismissed herself once more, except this time she gave them directions to a den tucked away. Now it was Azriel's turn to furrow his brow, considering her information. Why was she giving them this? Was this an invitation to something she hoped to acquire? Was it a setup for an ambush? Or was she simply being friendly? Somehow, the striped man doubted it was the latter. But that sweet grin was enough to stir something inside him, a twisting, gnawing need for more.

"Thank you for the information and the conversation, Fel Abraxas," Azriel said, returning her alluring speech with a half-cocked smile. "I do hope this won't be the only time we get to share your company." There was honesty in his words, but the true intentions were still unclear to him. He needed to know more about her... about the strange wolf that had found them, that had given him a challenge he hadn't faced before. Azriel hadn't felt this drawn to a wolf before since he met Sibyl. But with Fel, it was something entirely different, a new level he hadn't experienced, and it made him hungry for more. That longing lingered in his gray irises, but with trepidation. The walls were still up. "Well, we won't keep you from your duties any longer. Will we, Sibyl?" He turned to his lighter-furred companion, giving her a surreptitious nudge to knock her out of her daydreaming and drooling over the attractive femme while fixing her with a guarded look that spoke volumes she would understand. He would need to speak with her more deeply once they were a little lighter in the company department.
