
Bonnie and Clyde

Fel & Sibyl


11-11-2020, 06:26 PM

She hadn't been this entertained in quite a while and as Fel returned the not so subtle suggestion in her words Sibyl could already tell that she was going to want to stick around and see what other intrigue this woman could offer. Of course she'd have to make sure Az was on board too since for better or worse she kind of needed him, at least until she found someone else just as willing to hunt for her and protect her, but... the way he was watching her gave Sibyl some hope that she could make that wish a reality. Fel spoke of a duty she must not be away from for long shortly before a black feline appeared and approached Fel with a message. Sibyl had to bite back her desire to tell Fel how adorable her feline friend was and the want to get closer to meet said feline, but at least her excitement over the cute creature was short lived as the disappointment around Fel's departure took its place.

Unlike Az who kept that same flat, stony expression through the whole thing, Sibyl frowned deeply at the idea, nearly pouting at the thought that this lovely fae was going to be leaving them. At least the direction to a particular cave gave her a bit of hope that perhaps they would see Fel again - hopefully sooner rather than later. She left all the worrying about if this was a trap or not to Azriel. She knew he would worry and calculate more than enough for the both of them. That just left her to day dream and hope that perhaps she might get to have a little fun with their new acquaintance in the days ahead.

The slight nudge she received from Az as he spoke of not keeping Fel from her duties was met with a slight, sideways glare toward him before shifting her lavender eyes back toward Fel once more. His look didn't get past her, but that didn't mean she liked it. "I suppose, she replied, drawing out the words with an obvious reluctance to the idea. It was unavoidable, but that didn't mean that the small, pale woman didn't feel the need to be a bit selfish with Fel's time - even though there was really no tie between them to give her a reason to do so... at least not yet. She gave the fire-eyed woman a grin and added, "Come find us again soon... I'd love to get to know you better."
