
New Discoveries




5 Years

11-12-2020, 05:14 PM

It didn't take long after he had woken up for Nausicaa to begin stirring as well. She had slept so soundly through the night that he was quite surprised the gentle motions had waken her at all. He met her sleepy gaze with an amused smile and chuckled under his breath mostly to himself. She was so cute when she was all groggy and disoriented. "Good morning," he replied while she brought herself fully into the waking world. Thankfully, Nausicaa seemed to show nothing but blissful happiness to his presence, meaning she hopefully didn't regret anything that had happened last night. That had been the first time Milo had ever laid with anyone, and he had never taken himself for the one night stand type, but clearly he could be anything with the right influence. He unfurled around her as she hopped to her paws, watching with awe at how she had gone from sound asleep to active and energetic in no time flat. That was an impressive feat! It took Milo a solid fifteen minutes of stewing and mourning his lost slumber before he ever actually got up.

She called to him, urging him to get started on their day of exploration with an enchanting smile. So she wanted to get right on with their day, huh? Sure, he could entertain that. Part of him had wondered if she'd be the type to want to talk about what happened between them, but apparently not. That was fine too; he could just get on with his life too. Plus she was right, those nearby ruins were far too tempting to ignore! Returning her eager grin, Milo rose to his paws and shook out the parts that had been flattened from where he'd slept on them, fluffing his coat back out once more. "Let's do it!" He trotted briskly past her out into the warm, sunny morning, the cool sea breeze smacking him in the face in the most delightful way. Boreas felt alive. Between the birds, the sound of the lapping waves, and the gentle breeze, it was turning out to be another beautiful day.

Milo led the way for them back toward the crumbling resort ruins, walking down the beachfront to the cracked and ivy-coated concrete around an empty pool. He eyed the massive hole in the concrete, briefly pondering why any creature would create such a thing, before slowing his gait to a cautious tiptoe up to the large openings where windows had once been. In the broad daylight, everything seemed dramatically less creepy, although the quiet inside the tomb-like ruins still felt heavy and the air, while tinged with sea salt, tasted stale and heavy. Dark teal eyes examined their surroundings for a moment before he turned back to Nausicaa just behind him. "Have you ever explored these kinds of ruins before?" he asked, waiting for her answer before continuing. "They're usually not too dangerous, but they can be. Just watch your footing, don't step on anything, especially if it looks sharp. If you hear cracking, get back as quickly as you can, and try not to get too many rooms away. It won't do us any good to get separated in here. If we need one another's help, call out." He smiled then, eyes alight with a yearning to get started. "Other than that, have fun and let's see what we can find! Any questions?"
