
Bigger fuzz balls


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
11-13-2020, 12:05 AM
Waiting to be let out into the world was as nerve wracking as it was exciting. She was so excited to see all of the plants and animals and nature that she had only seen in peeks through the den's entrance or heard about in stories from her mothers. There was so much out there to explore, but she desperately didn't want to break any of the rules that had been set for them and she was so worried that she might accidentally break one! The last thing she wanted was to have Mom mad at her for any reason. Plus it just sounded kind of dangerous out there... Why would there be so many rules if there wasn't dangers to avoid? But, her sibling's excitement was contagious and as they all started charging outside she followed suit.

She was the last to leave the den, right at Daphne's heels, and she lingered uncertainly near the entrance for a moment before she spotted a pile of leaves near the edge of the stones where a tree near by had begun to shed its leaves. She made a beeline for the leaves with a curious, happy grin and started carefully sifting through them to examine each one. She quickly realized that most of them were the same, but there was at least a few different colors to sort through. There was mostly brown and red ones, but there were a few green ones too! She happened to find one odd one out - an oak leave in the middle of a pile of maple leaves, and she gasped excitedly at her find. Picking it up gently between her teeth, she brought it back over to Resin with her tail wagging happily behind her.

"I fouf a weef!" she exclaimed, her words distorted and muffled by the leaf she was carrying. "If diff-ent fan t-e over weefs! Wha weef is t-is?"