
She is the sunshine


09-08-2013, 12:53 AM
It was moments before the girl would turn her attention to him. And when she did, he drew his head back slightly. So she would ignore his warning? Not a smart move today...he had noticed some things as he treaded this land. But they were things he couldn't name. Shiny strips as thin as a spiders web were lying around, he wasn't sure what they were far as he could tell, spiders didn't live in the open like this. The placed reeked of untold dangers. And this pup was here playing with things that could hold a danger to them.

"Silly huh? Well I'd like to see you tell me that after the danger has caught you. He told her, holding patience on his tongue. He was not one to snap so suddenly at nothing, even at anothers ignorance. "I sense something dangerous about this place...we should leave immediately. Can you not smell the scent of foulness in the air?" The scent he had been referring to was un-named to many wolves. It was the scent of buried explosives, bullets both used and whole, the metallic tang of rusty weapons that lied buried or half buried among the ground. And even the haunting feeling of long lost souls of unknown creatures seemed to still linger...the hair along his spine indicated as much.

He waited for a response from her...hopefully a more serious note if she noticed his own urgency at all. Perhaps introducing himself or a game would get her to move...but introductions would probably not be the time for now. His senses grew, telling him to move. But...maybe he was over reacting. Then didn't seem that many wolves ever walked these parts of the land. The scent of wolves around here was nigh on impossible to detect, so there must be a reason they avoided this placed...