
Apples to Oranges




Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-15-2020, 08:47 PM

Kotori was your typical pup when it came to curiosity.  Thus soon enough he had found the pack line bordering Ashen territory and he could scent wolves who did not smell as all the armada wolves did.  Glancing up he spied dad’s vulture circling lazily in the sky.  No one would mind him going to check out these wolves since the bird was with him, right?  Kotori had heard they were supposed to be allies.  In Kotori’s mind, this equated with the adults over there also knowing they should treat him well.  Kotori was a prince after all and no one would dare treat him poorly, at least not if they knew his mom and dad.  No one would ever risk upsetting dad.

That being decided he made a mighty leap over where he scented the ground marked as if there had been some physical barricade.  When he landed Kotori looked back to see if anyone popped up to tell him to turn around as if they were just tagging along to surprise him.  Looking up at the bird again it was too high up to tell if it had any expression on it.  Oh well, no time for such simple wonders.  Tail wagging fervently he jogged along but slowed after a short way as he looked up at the strange trees.  None of the tree’s on his pack lands looked like these, maybe armada tree’s were just all-around better than trees elsewhere?  The notion of running back with a funny-colored stick came to his mind but then cast aside.  Just a stick and he wasn’t ready to leave yet.

Kotori wasn’t one to bother with hiding or bothering with treading silently frequently.  Stalking something would be a good reason for that but roaming? Nope, he was in plain sight as he walked along, ever so much the tourist.  He only stopped when he saw another wolf, another pup.  At first, his tail started wagging ever faster at the idea of a new playmate but then slowed cause over excited didn’t sound all that cool in his mind.  “Hey! Pink-eye!” The made-up name was called out to get the pup’s attention as he bounded towards him.

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]