
Breakfast in Bed


11-17-2020, 02:01 AM

If she thought that she was getting a real treat by having Fel come to visit, the beautiful shadow of a fae really set out to spoil her. A paw caught her chin and lifted her head to line up their muzzles before she was graced with the lightest, most teasing brush of a kiss. Even though it was light enough to barely count as a kiss, Sibyl was still absolutely thrilled by the very forward, brash affection. She grinned slyly as their lips parted again, a light giggle leaving her. “Breakfast, gifts, and a kiss? You spoil me, Fel.”

She settled down with her breakfast even though eating was the last thing on her mind. While she ate she made sure to lay in such a way that she was stretched out and on display for their guest and was able to keep an eye on Fel’s silvery form as well. Occasionally she would glance toward Azriel whenever he spoke or moved, ever observant and watchful, but for the most part Fel had her attention. It had been a while since they had come across someone that she had been this interested in on her own without some kind of plan or encouragement from her partner in crime do drive her actions. Fel was beautiful and enticing all on her own accord.

Sibyl went to work carefully licking her paws and muzzle clean once she was finished with her breakfast and meanwhile her lavender gaze shifted back and forth between Az and Fel as they spoke about the bottled beverage that had been among the gifts Fel presented them. On the surface it just seemed like a casual conversation, but she knew Az better than that and had quickly picked up on the fact that Fel liked to play these subtle mind games as well. She watched them with a mild curiosity to see how they interacted, mostly in the hopes that Azriel would eventually come to trust the dark fae and allow her to join in on their escapades if she wished. The more she could incorporate the dazzling wolf into her life the better.
