
Life Goals: Master of all things



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-17-2020, 02:01 AM

He had this!  She hadn’t reacted yet.  Rudy was so excited with the only irritation being his tail.  Everything changed, remarkably fast in fact.  Resin was super fast for having one eye and being old!  She went from laying there with her eyes shut to suddenly pulling him in! How’d she do that. Being caught was worth it, both for the lick that had the tail wagging again and then the tips on what he’d done wrong.  For all he had a hard time focusing his attention at points when it came to Resin telling him how to improve his full somber focused gaze was on her.  To be the best he needed to learn everything, to soak it all in.

“I didn’t think of the wind,” offered a bit sullenly, with a glare given towards his tail as she swatted the rump.  Yah, that much he knew he’d done wrong.  Stupid tail.  A second later the annoyance was forgotten and he looked back up at Resin with that light of hope and joy, “but you didn’t see me right? Did you hear me? Um, besides the tail.  I was walking pretty quiet, wasn’t I?” Hopefully he hadn’t messed up on everything!

“I decided I want to master all the fun stuff,” explained somewhere between somber and excited, that attempt to look formal but that excited voice killed the look, “I need to be a great fighter, and hunter, and spy, and,” at that point Rudyard stalled, “well anything else that’s special and great!” Yup, all the pups would be impressed with how great he’d be, as soon as he learned to be great.  Oh, well now the more logical thought on learning things came to him, “hey mom? You want to help teach me? Like you can even teach  me more than the others, cause I wanna be extra good.”  He was young and arrogant and impulsive but at least he had the sense to know he’d need lessons to be able to match up to his dreams.
