
Breakfast in Bed



3 Years
11-17-2020, 03:04 AM
It was still far too early to tell if the pair would be anything more than a temporary distraction. Most people in her life disappointed her, so why would these two be any different? It never even crossed her mind that they might stick around. They would be here, take what they needed from one another and disappear. By this time next week, she'd have forgotten that they existed. No one had surprised her yet, so she didn't get her hopes up. This was no time top be thinking about anything other than the pair before her, however.

Sibyl displayed herself as she daintily consumed her meal. Fel openly stared, appreciation showing in her ruby pools. She really was a pretty thing. Sweet. Playful. Calculating. All attributes that the Abraxas fae appreciated. She couldn't stand the little innocents that were too good for some slap and tickle. Fel was willing to bet that Sibyl would be only too happy to accept a bit of both. She'd be more than happy to give it to her, too.

Azriel moved from hare to bison and Fel watched, thick tail lashing languidly back and forth at her hips. His mention of the word 'mundane' the silver streaked woman rolled her eyes. "You have no idea." Stretching her right foreleg as far as it would reach, she placed her chin upon it, looking a little sullen. She'd been elusive this whole time, but in this instance, she was speaking true. There were no walls. No hidden words. At the moment her life was monotonous. Unsatisfying. Boring. Mundane, as he'd said.

With a sigh, Fel pushed off, rolling onto her back, paws tucked up against her chest. "A little excitement is good for the soul. Something or someone to break that monotony. Something to remind you that you're still alive." And not some cold corpse like her brother. That lifelessness seeped into her when she was near. Sibyl and Azriel didn't know it, but they were breathing life back into her right now.
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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.