
Life Goals: Master of all things




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-17-2020, 04:39 AM
She watched as he mulled over her words, muttering something about the wind. Rudyard seemed to perk up again as he questioned his skill. "No, I didn't hear you until your tail gave you away, but I knew you were coming, from which direction and how close you were." He'd been quiet but he needed work. She wouldn't give him false hope and would speak to him plainly.

The childish enthusiasm continued as the boy spoke of wanting to master everything. "You decided, did you?" 'Everything' was a tall order. She didn't remember ever being so ambitious. Mastering one or two things was doable, but everything? Resin didn't want to curb his desire to learn, so she had to go about this the right way. Giving her head a slight tilt, the big woman spoke in her gruff, rumbling tones. "It would be wise to master one skill before moving on to the next. Then your attention won't be divided and you'll retain more. That's not to say that you can't still learn many things."

Rudyard wanted to be special and great and learn things that were equally as special and great. The giantess scooped him to her once more, settling him between her forelegs. "Anything that you choose to learn, you'll do well. It will take hard work, but if you commit yourself, you'll be able to do anything you wish." A little bit of greed and a lot of pride showed through as the boy asked her to teach him. Not only teach him, but teach him more than the others. "I won't teach you any less or any more than I'd teach your brother and sisters," she informed the boy. "I can't teach you about healing or reading stars, but I can teach you how to hunt and how to fight. I can teach you how to lead if you wish." There were countless things that one could learn, but Rudyard had to start somewhere. "So, Rudyard. Where will you start?"
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]