
Curtain Call

Mandatory pack meeting


11-17-2020, 06:21 PM
he was late. extremely so. creeping up along the edges of the grouping. his ears were drooped, and he was in a mood that lingered around within his own head. he had no excuse for his lateness, and knew if so required he'd have to settle to some lengths of scolding. thankfully, he would hear what needed to be heard. he didn't head into the huddle of his siblings, unwilling to bring more attention upon himself then needed. but he was sure to let his head dip in a respectful greeting if higher eyes gazed his way.

promotions, praises. a passing of leadership. each holding its own level of importance, and reminding him of just how little he has yet to accomplish. he was old enough now, plus he was sure mother would scold him into participation. he had failed to re-bond with his siblings just yet, avoiding them as he was more suited to distraction then responsibilities.

as the stream of information he picked apart ended, he would wait for the rest to speak. his frame lowering into a sit, eyes scanning the crowd. faces whom he's surely met, but can't remember. faces he had grown with, cheeks he needed to nudge. but the will to do so, minimal.