
Breakfast in Bed



3 Years
11-19-2020, 11:51 PM
The disappointment on Sybil's lovely face was evident and Fel responded with a sad little smile. Though they lay here touching, caressing, Fel didn't know Sibyl. She didn't know Azriel. She couldn't and wouldn't come out and tell them that she'd made a vow to her sweet, dead brother. Aureus had botched four her when it seemed that Eligos would push her away. He had vouched for her on his life. Though that life was now gone, it seemed so very, very wrong to dishonor his memory. So she wouldn't. No matter how unhappy she felt, Fel would do what was necessary. She would suffer and toil. Her word had been given.

Sibyl wriggled even closer and the dark lady chuckled. She was eager. They both were. It seemed that the grey and white fae was of a similar mindset as far as touching went. Would Azriel be the same? As the pair of ladies fixed him with their red and purple eyes, Fel could see the gears turning in his head. She saw the flash of hunger. He'd be stupid to not covet the intertwined women. No doubt the pair of them, both confident and worldly, were capable of wrecking him. She didn't know their views on sharing, not did she care. Fel had no problem with it. Physical touch was a necessity. Sex was like breathing. Everyone had to breathe.

After some thought, Azriel approached them. The prone woman couldn't help but grin. Look at him, taking a chance. He was so guarded that he bordered being stuffy. Not Eligos stuffy, but still. As he lay down beside her, he surprised her again by rolling onto his back just as she was. Fel was terribly pleased by this his giant form dwarfed both her and Sibyl. She'd always been a sucker for a massive man.

He'd taken a step, so Fel took one as well. Not releasing her hold on Sibyl, the silver and obsidian woman wiggled closer to Azriel, allowing as much of their bodies to touch as she was able. The womans tail swished languidly like some fat, content feline. Each swish sent her silken tail sliding over the man's hip. Turning her ruby gaze to him, she smiled. "I didn't know if you had it in you," she teased. Fel was half humor, half sex, half sarcasm and half everything else. Yes, that's a lot of halves, but she was a big personality squished into a small package.
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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.