
On my way

for Úlfr



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-21-2020, 09:15 PM
"Good," Ásvor replied, glad he'd found some use out of his companions as more than just... well, companions. She knew the relationship between a wolf and it companion was often mutually beneficial. She didn't have quite the same relationship with her serpent companion, Jǫrmungandr, at least in terms of active communication. Regardless she was helpful to her in her own ways, ways that she wasn't yet about to lay out for young Úlfr quite yet. Better to focus now on his lessons and what he needed to improve about. Ásvor was infinitely grateful that the wolf that had become she and Valdis's son was as driven as Úlfr was, without much need to be pushed. It certainly made this whole motherhood thing that much easier.

"Alright, let's focus on that then," she agreed gladly. With his size as a natural advantage when it came to taking blows, more slender and swift wolves could use that their advantage when attacking. That was something he would definitely need to remain cognizant of. Though Úlfr didn't quite tower over her yet she had no doubt he would before long. "It's good to remember to always use your size to your advantage. Sometimes that can be tricky, but if you overpower a smaller wolf it'll be quite difficult for them to get out from beneath you." Easier said than done, sure, but he did need to use his size and strength to his advantage when it came to fighting smaller opponents. "Let's give it a try. Show me how you'd come at me," she suggested lightly, rearing back slightly and steadying herself to prepare for Úlfr's approach.