
my head is in my own hell



4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-21-2020, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2020, 04:52 PM by Seadragoness.)

Acciona’s mouth felt dry as she approached the borders, anxiety prickling along her spine like a pest she couldn’t shake. She’d returned to these lands not so long ago, absolutely certain that she wanted to return. That hadn’t necessarily changed, but what little confidence she had managed to scrape together was shaken as reality sunk in. Forgiveness was not something she’d ever known, and so she couldn’t even begin to imagine if her disappearance was something that even was forgivable. She hadn’t left on purpose, but if she hadn’t wandered off, she wouldn’t have been such an easy target. There was no way for her to know what to expect, but there was no way she could be this close and not at least try to return. Try to explain herself and see if there was still a chance for her to make a place for herself in the Armada. And maybe she would finally be able to make herself less useless...

She stopped on the neutral side of the border, taking a moment to collect herself. The woman was no longer as fearful as she had been before, taking some small comfort in knowing that Kyros’ kingdom had dissolved, and that Enno was only a lone agent now. A lone agent that wasn’t as good at his job without his father and their minions to help him. He’d managed to get the best of her before, and in her current state it wasn’t entirely unlikely that she’d still lose to him any day, but she had a new sense of determination to make more out of herself than the shell of person she’d been before.

Finally, after several long seconds, she tipped her head back and let out a soft call, announcing her return. It was mostly for Sirius, given that he’d been the only one she’d really had any interaction with in her time there, but she knew there were others within with authority here, and the last thing she wanted to do was step on any toes, or cause unintended offense. Afterwards, she dropped her head back down, eyes eagerly searching for the sight of any approaching figures, shifting her weight from side to side anxiously.
