
Shhh! Don't tell mom!


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-22-2020, 12:53 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

This place was amazing! The tree’s were beyond anything he imagined when he heard wolves talking, one talking about liking the tree’s and the other saying how they didn’t like them.  It seemed an odd thing to discuss liking or disliking a tree, shade and visibility, and stuff.  That wasn’t all he knew about though, he’d heard about other things that could happen outside of pack lands.  Things that sounded dangerous though he had no image in his mind to go with the threat.  Some great beasts called ‘bears’ that were dangerous even to two adult wolves.  It was great to imagine these monstrous creatures as things to spy in awe but it was less pleasant of an idea now that they were out here alone.

Rudy’s tail was wagging though as he watched with joy at how much Art was enjoying himself in the strange land.  Rudy grabbed a branch end in his mouth, leaning back to pull on it as far as it would go.  The branch seemed thin and flimsy to bend so much, but it looked like farther up near the trunk it was stronger.  It was fun just testing how far he could pull it.

He let go of the branch as he spotted Arty taking up a battle stance.  The branch whipped back, even as Rudy’s hackles went up and he moved to walk to his brother but stopped after a step when they spotted the threat.  This brought Rudy’s head down low as he laughed, “you gonna defend us from a squirrel Art?”  The tail wagged gleefully, it was so much fun being out here!  It was about then he thought to respond to Art’s questions and he quit laughing, though he still had a grin on his face, “oh, just two wolves talking about what they thought about things here.  As to sticks, we might have to try one of the tree roots, or find a big branch that tore away farther up, the end of the sticks seems pretty flexible.”   Rudy tried to sound confident and matter-of-fact as if he really had experience in these matters. He didn’t know why they were so flexible but maybe suggesting where to get the best sticks would let Art not notice he had withheld answering that question.

Rudy started to join Art in the water when he heard another sound, and swung his head around, squatting into his own defensive stance.  Art might be the gallant knight protecting his brother but Rudyard was the brother who had chosen to lead him here and thus responsible for his safety.  What if it was a bear?  How fast did bear-creatures run?  

Then Briar showed up!  Where the heck did she come from?  Did she have to remind them of the rules? Rudyard cast a side glance at Art hoping it didn’t kill the fun and confidence he was showing about being out here.  “Hey Briar.  Nope, we aren’t, and yes we are breaking rules. “  No deceit there, let her know exactly what was going on.  “Mmm, what about you? Where are your parents?”  He emphasized the ‘your’ in parents, to point out his assumption she was disobeying just as much. “Want to help us find a really good stick for whacking other wolves with? Art could use one, um and puddles are good for splashing in also.”