
arts and crafts




2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
11-22-2020, 08:39 PM
He glanced up at the sky and noted the clouds rolling in. It looked like rain was a possibility for this afternoon. The clouds weren't moving too fast so it seemed reasonable to think they might linger long enough to shower over the beach. Hyperion squinted, was that rain falling in the distance? The clouds over the water were little more than a smudge so it was hard to say.  Absently Hyperion slid the map away. That was about all the work he was going to get done on it today. It wasn't the company that put him off it, rather, it was his own attention span. Hyperion was many things but focused wasn't one of them. He could only sit down and do one thing for so long and with Star right there offering an eager ear to his exploits how could Hyperion not capitalize? He liked talking about himself an awful lot and here was a chance to do just that.

Hyperion gave his sibling a sly look. "Women. Lots of them. I don't know about you, but if fucking strangers at a party is 'trouble' I made out like a bandit." Looking quite pleased with himself, like the cat who'd swallowed the canary, Hyperion crossed his paws and leaned back a little. It wasn't a contest or anything but he'd totally won. No doubt about it; no one else had gotten around like he had. He wasn't sure Star would appreciate that but Art certainly would. And Hyperion couldn't wait to gloat about it to him. For now he was set to burn Star's ears with details unless rebuked. "There was this one woman who, no lie, had markings like fire." He rolled his eyes heavenward in blissful remembrance. "And god did they look real when she moved..."