
Over the moon on a red rocketship




2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
11-23-2020, 08:17 PM
Hyperion was happy to honor any deity who placed the same kind of value on sex that he did. If this Tor lady wanted her devotees to get it on by the light of the moon consider him converted for the night. She was a goddess he could get behind. And he couldn't think of a better looking woman to celebrate with. If all preachers looked and acted like this then maybe Hyperion would be a little more religious than he was. Or, more likely, he'd get converted often and just rotate through religions as believers came and went.

Things got serious quite quickly. Hyperion could feel the shift in mood and wasted no time in indulging as the social barriers that usually separated strangers were broken down. His attention turned from her lips to the rest of her as he eagerly set about exploring all this earthly goddess had to offer. He relished the feel of her slender neck under his arm; the firm curve of her hip as it pressed against him; the sweet scent in her hair as he buried his face in it. Conceited as he was even Hyperion had to admit she was the catch here.

There was a clatter and a dull splash as Hyperion shifted over top of her and inadvertently knocked over their drink. He paid it no mind; the loss of it was a small price to pay. His arms were at her waist now, his chin resting on her neck. As he leaned into her Hyperion sought to place a kiss at the base of Ballad's ear. "To Tor," he breathed as an afterthought.
