
Life Goals: Master of all things



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-24-2020, 07:58 AM

“Ok!” It was a cheery response to waiting as of course Rudy had no idea how long this ‘wait’ would become.  His rump quickly sat down, tail wagging eagerly ready to charge off after hall.  Waiting.  Waiting.  Eternity had passed, perhaps a good 3 minutes.  The tail slowed and muscles started to lose their tension and another entire 3 minutes passed.  Had she forgotten him already? Had something stopped her from returning? Was she just waiting to catch him in the act of leaving?  Ho wlong was he supposed to wait?

Rudyard got up, twisted about in a circle, sat down, a few seconds passed and he got up searching for something to entertain himself with.  Making his way to the waters edge mom had been near he peered down and imagined the fun of splashing into it.  With a regrettable sigh he left it alone.  Then he padded over to where he’d hid watching Resin quietly, biting onto a stick and backing up shaking the thing viciously.  A few other sticks were pulled on, some broke some just bent until he let go.  

An entire 15 minutes had past now! Rudy paced all around the region then went over, laying down near the edge of the water dipping one paw into it just to feel the water running over it.  He didn’t dare go in, not when mom might come back if she hadn’t forgotten him.  The notion of running off to find Art entered his mind.  He stood up and walked to a determined edge of the spot, an area he could still see Res if she came back from where she’d left.  Another minute passed as he considered the fun idea of running off, a morose look back at the spot mom had left.

Finally with a long groan he went back to the spot mom had left from, and laid down looking like the most tortured thing in the world – he had to be lay and wait and it was sheer torture.  That desire to run off was killing him.  Those lamenting pup eyes kept up, watching and waiting praying to be saved from this horrible torment.  How long would he stay there?  Well he at least managed the forty minutes.

When he could tell she was approaching whether by sight or hearing he'd jump up as if it was the most excited thing in the world, tail wagging, rump practically following along as all that loaded spring of energy was ready to be released.  She hadn't forgotten him!
