
Life Goals: Master of all things




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-24-2020, 08:20 AM

She had to admit that she was surprised when she returned to the falls and found him still sitting there. Resin had imagined that he would have become bored and wandered off to do something else. Rudyards patience was in short supply. Why else would he be in such a rush to learn 'everything'? As the massive fae moved back towards the boy, the item within her jaws began to kick and thrash again. She'd brought him a rabbit.

Laying down on her stomach, Resin spat the rabbit out and held it down with one paw. It had taken a lot to keep from killing the thing, especially with sheering teeth like her own. "And your lesson begins." Lifting her paw, she allowed the rabbit to race off as well as it could. She'd made sure to damage one hind limb so that the beast couldn't run too quickly or too far. "Catch the rabbit." Just as she had with the long eared creature, she placed a paw on Rudyard, holding him back until the lapine was well out of sight. No doubt it had found a hiding place and was planning to hole up until the world felt safe again.

Lifting her paw, she released the monochromatic boy. Resin rose with him, intent on accompanying him on his quest. "Where does the hunt begin?" She asked him as they moved along. "It begins in your stomach. Feel the hunger drive you. Use your nose. Seek it out. Keep your ears peeled for sounds of movement. Keep your eyes open for the shifting of grass." The maned woman would allow the boy to make his mistakes, but she would steer him in the proper direction with those simple instructions. What he would do now would prove just what kind of hunter he would be.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]