
Life Goals: Master of all things



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-24-2020, 09:19 AM

Not only had she come back but she had a rabbit! Rudy was quickly next to her, hopping on two legs to check it out before she had it pinned to the ground.  Just as his nose was getting next to the rabbit Resin let go and the rabbit ran off.  Rudy was about to go into a charging chase for his prey when Resin put her paw out to stop him from running off.  Rudyard was all a jitter to go and those tormented pleading eyes looked up as she spoke to him.

Like a tiny rocket, he lunged forward about two steps before her voice stopped him.  It wasn’t meant to be a fierce charge.  For another second he looks tormented but then he took a slow deep exhale and seemed to calm himself.  Like he would do when attempting to spy on someone he found his calm focus.  Despite the yearning to run he put his willpower into her instructions, moving forward but sniffing the ground but then deciding the air worked better for a moment.  His ears were pulled up as high as they could go on his face.  

There was his typical confident gait as he moved forward but at times stopping to sniff the ground than the air again.  The boy still wanted to charge, he felt the drive enough that his muscles were quivering at moments but still his movements were forced to be at a steady pace.  The rabbit was terrified and he had seen it run awkwardly when mom let it go meaning it was also hurt.  That meant it probably hadn’t run too far to need a charging race after.

After a few minutes, the tail picked up its beat high in the air as he found a scent and turned in that direction.  He didn’t look back for help at any point, no questions for Resin.  It was all new and he couldn’t guarantee everything was right but he would trust in himself, it was his normal path.  Follow his instinct and whether wrong or right just learn from it next attempt.  

Eventually, he did spot the movement, he froze keeping his body still and mindful of Resin’s earlier words the tail hardly twitched and at least this time it was high enough it wasn’t hitting anything when it did.  How close could he get before it noticed?  It was hard to focus on not wagging his tail and thinking through what to do.  Who knew controlling a tail could be so hard.
