
things that go BUMP in the night



3 Years
11-26-2020, 03:58 PM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2020, 04:01 PM by Adelphie.)

As she continued to look into the borders, she knew the pack was large by the scent that teased her nose and she couldnt help but wonder that if she stood too long and was greeted by the wrong wolf then it could end in violence which she did not seek today. With that on her mind, someone quickly approached the border. He was coated in dark hues and he was a lot larger than her, she had not met many that were so significant in size so naturally she would tense up, unknowingly so in a defensive mechanishm. He came quick, analyzing her quickly as if figuring whether she was off familiarity or not. As they stood head to head her stance would become slightly more relaxed when he started to speak, his tone of voice making it clear he was just getting to know her reasonings for flirting with the border. She assumed he was the alpha of the pack, though she couldn't be sure. I guess she was window shopping, though she had no desire to look elsewhere.

"Window shopping not so discreetly I guess she would reply softly, thinking upon her actions she stuck out like a sore thumb. Her mind was made up, knowing that she was safer in the wall of the kingdom rather than outside while she figured out what she wanted to do going forward, this would give her the chance to learn the politics of the lands and should she like the pack, perhaps her brother and sister would also. "I came to learn the unity of the pack and to be of use" she would pause, looking to see if his demonear had changed. "I can aid in hunting, or in battle " She knew it was time to start training, and what better way to do it within a pack to keep her skills sharp? At this point, she could take all the learning she could get.

She couldnt help but find it strange having to justify herself and prove that she was worthy to belong somewhere. She had always been around her family and unit that she hadn't much experience in these situations, and she couldn't help but feel unnatural in doing so. Her mismatched gaze would stay fixated on him, prepared to move and defend herself should he simply decide she was not welcome. "My name is Adelphie"