
Brotherly Love



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-26-2020, 11:18 PM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Rudy watched his brother assessing the stick and grinned as he saw how Arty seemed to like it.  Humility was a very hard concept for Rudy, and he felt a bit of pride as he watched Art cheerfully beating off mobs of enemies with his club.   As he proudly watched the stick-wielding champion he considered how his brother loved fighting but also wanted others not to be harmed.  Rudy well remembered how much Arty had been frustrated being around Briar but then at the very end, he tried to stick up for her.  Would that be him in battle also? Ready to fight an enemy but then once the fight was over ready to protect said, enemy?  Rudyard would never have defended Briar and was still holding onto the secret of her sneaking out in case he could ever use it against her should the need arise.

His blue brother was such a goody-goody.  Still, the goody-goody was also a good guy and his brother whom he loved.  When Arty lay down and turned to their serious conversation of sneaking off Rudy tilted his head curiously, ears pricked “Course not,” Rudy scoffed, “I brought it to you cause your my brother and I just found it and thought of you.”  It wasn’t that he made a habit of lying to his brother but, somehow it seemed wrong to make a big deal of the present.  It was just a stick after all. “Glad ya like it though!”

Rudy then glanced all the different directions, but he wasn’t looking at the view.  Rudy’s ears pricked high as they could as his gaze swept the area before looking back to Art and speaking softly, “It was fun though, right?  I know we can’t do it again but.  Art, I can’t regret having been there.  It was too fun.”  How old did they have to be to go out there like that again? “I wonder how long we should wait before asking mom to take us out there, or to the beach.  Don’t you wanna go to the beach? I bet lots of neat stuff out there.”