
Brotherly Love



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-27-2020, 12:20 AM
Walk | "Talk" | think

Good.  Even if Art would never dream of disobeying again he at least still acknowledged how great the trip had been, up until getting caught.  Rudy would never ask Art to disobey again, at least not like that.  It really should have been just fine, if they hadn’t been caught.  Oh well, live and learn then live it up all the more.  Art was his best friend so he had to make sure he would always be with him.

“Yah, that’s true.  We should definitely just ask mama, but you know what? Mom is giving me lessons in hunting!” The comment was made with all due pride as he was quick to assume they both knew he’d become great at hunting.  How could anyone ever assume the small pup would do anything but the best?  Not that he’d necessarily succeed in every hunt while training, those didn’t count as fails.  Rudy looked at the long term, and the battle wasn’t over until he won it. “Let’s corner mama and ask her when she’s alone.” It’s not that he didn’t love his sisters also, but he already spent every night in the den and got plenty of time with them on the pack land already.  “Then maybe we could just go with her.  Then when we came back we could tell our sisters all about it! Uh, and bring them gifts.” The last part was an impromptu thought as Art might like the idea better if their sisters still got something from it.

What else had he been scheming? Hmm, he didn’t have much for today on scheming.  Just planning to try and get mom or mama to help him learn more.  Oh, and ask mama to take them to the sea, that wasn’t a scheme really.  Ok, so he had also thought up asking when his sisters weren’t around, and he had just decided to add in gifts for Arty’s sake.  Maybe he did scheme a lot?  If only Arty knew how much last minute some of it was!  There were his future plans though…

“Oh!” A realization suddenly appeared to strike, Rudy standing with his tail wagging.  “It’s gonna take a long time but I realized you and I are touched by fate Art!” That sounded good, Rudy liked how the notion of ‘fate’ sounded and had a feeling his brother would like the touch also.  He moved to stand next to Art and waved a paw in the air as if to emphasize the details, “you and I are special, it's not gloating just a fact.  What other wolf has ever learned how to use a stick as a weapon after all?  That’s so special!  Art, you and I are meant to become the future alphas of the hallows.” Was that scheming?  It was just a life-plan.

“So, most of what I’ve been ‘scheming’ on is hard work.  You and I have a loooot to learn, but we have to,” the last said as he looked at Art’s gaze.  “You and I will be alpha’s, we gotta be able to handle anything.” He let that hang in the air, tried to use his eyes to keep Art locked in him, finally asking, “What do you think Art?”