
Brotherly Love



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-27-2020, 02:56 AM

Yup, Rudy had been right.  Art was thinking of taking their sisters along.  At least he seemed to be willing to consider getting gifts instead.  Would mom buy into it if he labeled them surprise gifts to make his sisters happy?  Rudy’s mind was already working on how to once more get what he wanted.  If they had to bring the sisters it was fine, but Rudy liked feeling special getting that little extra attention.  Well, either way as long as they got to go.  Admittedly they hadn’t even asked mama yet but, why would she say no?  

Shiny things and flowers from the beach huh?  Rudy hadn’t got an up close view of it yet but surely they could find stuff that would work?  “Sure, I bet we can find some good stuff!” Basically, Rudy would take a few moments to look around and find something he could convince others was really neat.  It would work out.  So long as he had a plan and took action it would work out, it always had before.  After all, even if they had been caught off the pack land they had still got to spend some time adventuring before being caught.

Art’s reaction to being told of their fate had surprised Rudy.  He inwardly kicked himself for both setting Artorias to worrying over and for not expecting it.  He wasn’t supposed to predict things wrong, then again others were supposed to act as he imagined them to.  This was silly.  Oh well, this was the time to comfort his brother and help him see the future as Rudy imagined it.

Rudy didn’t jump in on his brother’s thought processes right away.  Let him work it out in his own mind, might as well let him think up all the questions now so Rudy could shake away all the fears in one sitting versus letting them brew quietly for days. As the questions came Rudy would nod in a sense of hearing them more than an answer to them.  It was a lot of questions to answer but really, a lot of it centered around one concept.

“Not right now,” get the first part out quick. [b]“No one would expect us to be alphas now.  You’ve seen other wolves look more amused than impressed with your sticks.  They don’t take me all that seriously right now either.  I’m just a kid with too much energy prone to forget the rules.” Maybe this would help calm Art down some.  “Mom and mama don’t see it right now either, at least I don’t think they do.” The answers were give out in a matter-of-fact sort of way.  It all seemed pretty obvious to him.  For all Rudy could be impulsive, there were times he was quiet, especially when taking up a hiding spot to see who came by to spy on.  The quiet time gave him chances to really look at how things were, and imagine the future as he saw it.

The next part brought the passion into his voice, “Art, it’s the future I talk about.  It’s who we will be not who we are.  We both have a cause that drives us right? You want to be a great fighter and protect everyone right? Leaders protect everyone.  You’ll keep on training as you’ve been doing, you’ll keep looking at the family as ones to protect!”  To be honest, up until a moment ago he imagined Art as a leader because he was Rudy’s best friend along with his brother.  These were just words to give his brother the courage, but hey maybe he was on to something?  “As to me? I’m going to learn everything I can learn.  I’m going to be an amazing fighter, hunter, spy, and leader.  I plan to get a bit of knowledge in other areas also.  Mom said you need to focus on one thing at a time, well I plan to manage a bit more than that but some of it will have to wait.”

How long would all of this take? For that matter, mom and mama were still leading the pack, and in Rudy’s pup mind he had never considered them actually dying.  “I think we have at least two years to learn everything we need.  That’s plenty of time.  I’ll train with you every day if you want, we can both get stronger that way.”  Yup, if nothing else Rudy could throw out speeches, “Art, if you want to be something enough, you can do it.  All it takes is deciding to do it!”  Rudy didn’t add in perseverance or the work of learning or what could be given up to take time out for training and not because he wanted to avoid those details but he didn’t think of it.  The pup was always so focused on going for what he wanted he’d never considered it work, or thought of others thing to do.  Art had no choice but to become great for Rudy had already determined it would happen. “I know you Art, you’re amazing.  Someday everyone will know it also.  I believe in you.”
