
For You Are Tasty, And Good With Ketchup



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
11-27-2020, 01:29 PM

Stretching her legs. She was just out stretching her legs. Aslatiel had recently gotten the go ahead to have the cast and immobilizer removed. Her aunt Iolaire had deemed the leg fit enough to move upon, though she was on activity restrictions. She was determined to build the muscle in her broken leg as quickly as possible. Being bed-ridden had been the worst thing she'd ever experienced.

Of course, with her exercise going so smoothly, something bad was bound to happen. She heard the familiar lowing groan of a bear before she saw it. Before that though. she'd heard the annoying, grating voice of one of her parents second batch of children. Initially, Aslatiel was going to just keep on walking. It was the idiot pups own fault for going off without a guard. Let it die. If the bear ate it, that would be one less creature for her to hate, right? The cream and grey girl actually moved on past the path that would take her towards the child and the bear, but then...


With a sigh and a roll of her galaxy gaze, Aslatiel altered her course. Backtracking, she moved down the path at a staggered lope, her injured leg still weak. The giant grizzly was on its hind legs, towering over one of the pups that her mother had squirted out. She didn't know any of their names, nor did she care. Had she ever even seen this one before?

"Go back to your mother," Aslatiel growled at the child, giving it a push as she placed herself before it. The young woman's pelt bristled and she snarled, teeth flashing before she dove forward. Without the normal strength in her leg, her leap wasn't as far as she liked, but after a little stumble, she ran around the side of the bear, sinking her fangs into its calf and pulling hard. She worked to get its attention and pull it away from pack lands and back out into the wilderness. The beast snarled and dropped down, giving one swipe of its paw. Though injured, Aslatiel was still faster and was able to dodge the blow, but she felt the air ruffle her fur. Too close. This was going to be difficult.


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