
Life Goals: Master of all things




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-28-2020, 04:17 AM

As the boy absorbed her words and tore off in pursuit of the rabbit, his mother watched. She followed, eye peeled to watch every movement that he made. Rudyard seemed to remember that his excitement would give him away and she observed as he took small breaks to settle himself and remind himself of the task. Good. That was very good. It proved that he was aware of his faults. He was becoming aware of his surroundings and capabilities as well. The boy shifted from scenting the ground to scenting the air. Also smart. However...

Moving forward, Resin pushed the boy far to the right with one huge paw. Her voice was soft, but still rasping when she spoke. "Be mindful of the wind. Don't let your scent reach your prey or all of your hard work will be for naught." She'd told him earlier and he'd made a point, but the wind didn't always move in the same direction. It danced and shifted and so too must a hunter match that dance.

"You know where it is." She was sure that he had a pinpoint on the location. If he didn't, he surely should have by now. From her vantage point simply by being taller, Resin could see the rabbit in the grass. It was still breathing a little heavy, its eyes wide with panic. The long eared meal had pressed itself between two tall tussocks of grass and was waiting for the danger to pass. If the wolves didn't catch it, something else would soon after thanks to its broken leg.

Resin folded her haunches and sat, her sulfur eye watching the patched boy intensely. Would he succeed or would he learn failure? The following actions would tell.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]