
What's a Slipper?



The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-28-2020, 05:40 AM
The weather was nice today. A good day for going off and doing... whatever needed to be done. Apparently she and her siblings were driving the moms crazy, because suddenly a quest was thrust upon them. Bowen and Gwyn had been sent off with their 'cousin' Indigo to search for herbs. It had come to the attention of the packs healers that they were in desperate need of Lady's Slipper. Okay, so the need wasn't terribly desperate since it was mostly used to treat poison ivy, but according to her parents, they were in grave need of the plant. Resin told the girls what it looked like, giving a brief description. It was pink and white. The petals were rounded. Some of the petals hung to create an odd little sack beneath the rest of the flower. Apparently the flower liked to eat bugs and other things that fell inside of the sack. Well... Bowen found that to be completely disgusting, but what could she do about it? The task had been given so she would carry it out.

"Come on, Gwyn!" The caramel cream girl was excited about heading out of the territory. She enjoyed spending time with her sister and would no doubt enjoy spending time with Indigo as well. The massive purple wolf completely dwarfed her, but it was a feeling that she was used to. Mom was huge, but Indigo was even bigger. His prodigious mass made her feel safe and protected. This was a feeling that she would learn to appreciate all of her days. Bowen would learn to enjoy the size difference between herself and the larger beings of her species. She would be drawn to them like a moth to flame. But back to her mission...

"Mom said that Lady Slippers are hard to find," she bounced around the pillar like legs of Indigo. "How are we going to find them!?" Resin had thought the same thing, so she asked their lead healer, Luta, where the girls and Indigo might find some of the herb in question. Resin pointed the trio in the direction of the Whistling Willows. Bowen had never been there before. She'd actually never been anywhere except for the Falls and the Springs. Her excitement at going on this adventure was pretty obvious. She couldn't stop bouncing around. Her tail lashed back and forth of its own accord. She was ready to go!

When they finally began their trek, Bowen tried her best to conserve her energy. She was still pretty small and would no doubt tire quickly. She knew this, having been reminded by her mother. What if Indigo had to carry her? Would he be mad? The pale and russet girl squeezed her brow together. She didn't want to be a burden. She was determined to walk the whole way on her own. Ah, but what about the way back? It was a looooong walk! Lower lip jutting out, she steeled her nerves. She was ready for this task. Besides... think of all the treasures that she might find along the way!

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]