
Color Me Amazed!




Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
11-28-2020, 07:37 PM

Outlaw was always of a positive mindset, and certainly going to explore places was an enjoyable thing, and he was even being helpful doing what he liked!  On top of that, he had the company of a cute and pretty wolf.  She’d surely be larger than him, at least the majority of wolves were but she was shorter than the other pups he’d spotted thus far.  He was perfectly happy to chat to the puppy, they tended to still have that joy of life some adults seemed to lose.

“My understanding is lots and lots of flowers.  It’s supposed to be really pretty.”   The farthest he’d gone before was the Rio Grande where he enjoyed the river.  He’d followed the river most of the way and knew to avoid the swampland area he had heard about.  Once they were past the swampland though they had turned south and sure enough found their way to the start of fern valley.

For the parts of the journey, he knew Bait was happy to tell Bowen any fun ‘secrets’ he had learned about the place.  At the Rio grande how he had once seen bear tracks that meant it must have been able to touch the tops of some trees.  At least in Outlaw’s mind, he had imagined it that way.  He spoke of the fish he had caught, and how great the cold water had been in the summer.  He had also paused a time or two to let them just check out any fun feature they might find.  A peculiar plant that needed to be seen or anything else that triggered the imagination.  He would also point out the scent of predators to recognize them if she ever scented one.

“The hat?”  Outlaw’s eyes rolled up as if he could actually see the hat sitting on his head.  Outlaw stretched out his neck and lowered it, using a paw to slide it off.  “Just you know, be careful with it.  I’m not sure if there were any more just like this one, and it’s a long way back to the Forgotten Isle where it comes from.  It’s kind of big for you, not sure if you can really walk with it on?”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think