
An honor to have you as a daughter

Fihona dad date!



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
11-28-2020, 09:46 PM

Finding balance in his life was always something he struggled with and that was even more apparent now that he was a father. He had fully dedicated himself to The Hallows and ensuring that this pack was cared for, but he still wanted his children to be the top, undisputed priority in his life. Figuring out how to find enough time in the day to do both was undoubtedly difficult, but he was more than willing to sacrifice his own free time and rest to do it.

Something else that had been lingering on his mind recently was the fact that when he came back to the den to spend time with his family it was pretty much with all of the pups together. With so many pups he didn’t want any of them to feel neglected or pushed aside so once he was done with his duties around the pack in the early afternoon, he went back to their home with a different idea in mind. He went to find one of his children to spend some one on one time with them. The idea alone already had a smile lingering on his lips and all of the stress of the work he had been doing easily melted away once one of his daughters came into view.

He came over to Fionha with his tail wagging gently behind him. He settled onto his stomach next to her, leaning down to give her forehead a lick with a gentleness that seemed out of character for a wolf of his size. “How has your day been, Fi?”
