
Life Goals: Master of all things



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-28-2020, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2020, 10:02 PM by Rudyard.)

Rudy was surprised when the paw pushed him awake, breaking some spell he’d been in of what lay ahead.  He looked up questioningly to his mom just as she was answering his internal ‘why.’  His eyes glanced around as if to try and see wind currents.  Obviously, he couldn’t, Rudy knew it, but he had never realized what a tricky thing wind could be.  His mind started to wander to different ways this could be useful to learn but then had to chase away those thoughts.  One goal at a time, and right now the rabbit was the goal.

Rudy nodded silently at knowing where it was.  The shifting wind was a thing he was less confident in than the noise he made on getting towards the rabbit now.  He crouched down a bit lower as he walked back part of his mind trying to be aware of the wind but it was so incredibly distracting to the rest of the hunting!

Finally, the rabbit was spied through the grass.  Well, to be more exact the patch of gray rabbit fur was seen through the shifting blades of grass.  Rudy took only one half stride closer before he decided anymore would get the rabbit to run before he was ready.  The thought then occurred the longer he waited preparing himself was the more chances he gave for himself to make a mistake.  That thought in mind Rudy lept forward running to the rabbit and spotting the moment of insight from the rabbit where it saw the threat, the panic as it set out running.  The prey fleeing seemed to burn the desire and had Rudy running all the faster that simple desire of instinct to catch what he’d worked so hard to stalk.

Unfortunately for the fleeing rabbit, it was hard to flee fast enough with the broken leg.  It swerved and Rudy followed, the swerve wider than it should have been but he was quickly back on track, another swerve happened with the same problem of Rudy going wide.  The next time the rabbit tried to swerve Rudy was on it!  Sort of!  He bit towards the rabbit's back but didn’t get the neck.  He felt a pinch of the skin but mostly got fur.  The distance was once more there to give the rabbit hope and Rudy growled softly chasing after with all the more desire.  He had got his teeth in it and he wanted it again.  

The rabbit was slowing and Rudy was back on it again, once more his snap was off the mark but his teeth still firmly held into the rabbit's back, shaking it with a growl.  The rabbit kicked him! Rudy let go for a second of surprise but only a few strides later he got the rabbit's neck in his mouth and get one leg over it, soaking in deep breaths of air. Rudy let go of his grip on its neck but only to bite again, crunching his teeth in more, shaking his head trying to kill it as easily as his parents would. Blood was pooling out of the wound even if not as fast as his imagination wanted, but with another thrash he did feel something crack under his jaw and the rabbit suddenly going still. "I caught it!" the words came out muffled as speaking with the rabbit's neck in his mouth.
