
The shaved wolf returns



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
11-29-2020, 05:59 PM

Naiche scented Sirius and a part of him honestly wanted to avoid his alpha.  Not that he didn’t like the warlord and on a normal day enjoyed time spent around him.  Today was not one of those days though as Naiche was feeling the humiliation at his looks all to well.  There were numerous wolves he wished would never see it.  Certainly, Sirius was one of those as he was one of those Naiche mostly wanted that acknowledgement from and not in this light.

Of course, he did not turn away from Sirius but instead turned to face him at his approach.  Naiche’s ears bent backward in dismay at imagining how he appeared to the warlord.  After a moment of a debate with his inner pride, he forced his head to raise up more and his ears forward. He forced himself to ignore the lack of personal space, it was Sirius's right to get in it if he wanted.  

“I…” there was no great way to respond to the statement, “I did.  Nor can I explain it.  Apparently working to get through a tight spot in a cave can make you shrink.” The explanation was given a bit dryly as the facts still stung all to well.  Gritting his teeth he managed to relax his voice if not his inner feelings, “I found a strange cave that actually went down in a lake, yet without the water flowing in.  I saw amazing sights in there..” It would be far too much of a tangent from Sirius's first notion to go into detail, “but after a bit I realized it was dangerously unnatural.  Sadly a bit too late for,” Naiche looked to his back at what all he’d lost in size and fur, “escaping all the risks.”    Naiche would have preferred more physical damage done to him over his humiliation.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]