
The shaved wolf returns



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
11-29-2020, 07:27 PM

Naiche knew the way his family was to leave when they were a burden to the pack.  Like his grandfather had ditched Naiche and left him alone to not be a burden.  The young wolf had to believe that it was the right thing to do if he didn’t want to feel betrayed, however, he would never question Sirius decisions in whom got the pack’s protection even if they were useless.

Naiche nodded slightly in answer to his question on Magnus.  It was a subject to drop as Naiche had no good words to add.  He couldn’t say ‘it will all work out somehow’ or ‘he can be effective blind’.  Naiche would have likely only called for Sirius to ask for a deathblow had he been in that position.  Better to be dead than to be a burden.  If the only thing you could do to protect the pack was not a part of it, then that was the proper response.  

As he tried to think over some course of action to help with all these troubles Naiche realized there was nothing really to do.  Nothing unless he felt the pack should hide in their boundaries as of too fearful to venture out.  Never.  There were no cowards here but the possessive warlord had to be frustrated if there was no way to defend them or avenge them.

More questions came to mind, but nothing that needed to be discussed now.  Idle questions weren’t needed right now.  All he wanted was to get that fur coat and to get some rest in his den.  Normally he didn’t care for long times spent resting but mentally he was exhausted and his body was sore.  Now he was also to assist as the reaper and he needed to be completely fresh and alert for that!  That actually presented something else to ask, “Is there anything else I’d need to know of relevance before I start working again?”  He was to help take over reaper responsibilities with Mag injured and that meant being aware of everything important.  He couldn’t dig into sullenness so much as to forget his job.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]