
Drop on by



09-08-2013, 04:57 PM

Anthem would excitedly look to her, his face a light with the happiness that came from singing. He had always displayed the most beautiful of howls, she had been envious of the pretty music he could make. She would take time to sing with him whenever she was able, but her mother had always kept her so occupied. It was incredibly regrettable that she had never spent much time with any of her siblings. She probably knew the older ones about as well as she knew Novella. It brought feelings of remorse and sadness that her own family could be so distant. But now, after all the time she had been gone she would see them again. The siblings would be reunited once more. She could feel the nervousness inside of her flare.
She barely had time to think about what would happen before she could comprehend the incoming presence of her long lost brother and sister. She was completely unaware of how they would react, unaware of the built up angst they held against her. As her sister came into view, Song's ears would fall back slightly. Her form was similar to her own, and she had matured into a stunningly beautiful she wolf. Song felt the tug of her heart as she held back the temptation to embrace her sister. Song would move away from anthem as Symphony made sure the howl had not been let loose for an emergency. Her eyes would fall onto their younger sibling, her gaze full of disapproval. So Novella had not travelled with them? Novel must have been quite worried about her.
Symphony's gaze would then move to Song, her lips silent as she stared. The moment was disturbed by yet another being coming into view, Howl. He was ferocious, his teeth were highly visible and his hackles were raised. It seemed he was more apt to defend their brother, but his aggressive behavior lasted only seconds as he realized one of the 'attackers' was Novella. Song's ears had fallen back even more at the behavior of her siblings, her beautiful tail would hang limply from her rump as she took in their bristly attitudes. Shock was clear on her face, why were they not excited to see her like Anthem was? Had they come around to take their mother's view point? His words would cut through her like a hot knife through butter, this would not be a happy family reunion like she would have imagined.
She didn't know what to do, she had no idea what to say. This reaction would take her totally aback as she could feel the tug of tears at the corners of her eyes. She just wanted her family, the comfort and love they would bring. She wished to run to Anthem's side, to feel his acceptance of her once more. Too frightened by what would possibly happen if she tried she would keep herself standing across from their forms. "Howl, Symphony..." Her voice would be hardly more than a pitiful whisper. What had she done?
