
bear necessity




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-29-2020, 10:26 PM
Lachlan would receive, if not a clean bill of health, confirmation that death was not imminent. He likely wouldn’t lose his eyesight either. As Tyrian lowered his massive paw Lach rubbed the fur around his eye to remove the blood. Maybe he’d be ashamed he hadn’t drawn any in return if he wasn’t concerned wholly with Tyrian. Bright blue eyes looked back up to the King, his words explaining how it would be better to seek him out. He couldn’t help but chuckle, would it have been so easy to reunite? Maybe, but the question was really would he have had enough gumption for that? Lachlan might not have come to such a simple conclusion on his own, not that he’d been searching for Tyrian’s attention at the moment the bear appeared anyway… Maybe the beast hadn’t been a misfortune at all, he had Tyrian here worrying over him already.

He began to regain sight back in his bloodied eye, blinking often his gaze lingered on Tyrian as his expression shifted. Suddenly he was reminded of the night they met once more, not that he could forget. Tyrian didn’t have to try very hard to get Lachlan to blush, which he did quite promptly as he spoke boldly. ”I don’t think I’ve given you more than a scare today.” He tried to calm his beating heart and feel as cool and collected as Tyrian looked. The things about firsts flustered him more, if it hadn’t been glaringly obvious to Tyrian that night that he was first first everything for Lachlan he was blind. Tyrian was far from naive when they met.

Lachlan felt a rush go through him as he took in a deep breath, he wasn’t as bold as he’d been while drunk. Lachlan was slowly figuring out what he wanted, and however foggy the future was he wanted to be here with Tyrian. ”I could get you some dinner, and um, maybe we could eat together.” He offered sweetly, red ears lowered to his skull as his nervousness showed through. Tyrian made it clear their first night that there wasn’t much Lachlan could do to run him off. He wasn’t sure where any of this would go, but he definitely wanted to take a step back and share a meal together. Perhaps there was more than a one time encounter here.