


09-08-2013, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 07:31 PM by Myrrh.)

Small paws, attached to slender legs dragged themselves none too delicately through what was slowly appearing to be sand, no attention had been given to the owner of this careless walks' whereabouts, In fact, the owners gaze was also fixated on the ground. Bored. Myrrh was practically out of herself, locked inside her own thoughts desperately thinking up something of interest, if only to spare her body this tormenting walk for a few minutes. Nothing came to mind at that particular moment, so she supposed she should at least be grateful for the solitude that hadn't been spoiled by the presence of any other wolves, or rather anything in general. It was only when Myrrh realized she was half submerged in water that she decided to take note of her surroundings, and not a moment before, not even noticing that she had tread across the entire expanse of the beach into a body of water.

Practically sputtering from almost inhaling water, she raised her head slowly, turning her orchid gaze on what was around her, as obviously, water was to the front. Myrrh turned her entire body back towards the beach, scanning it thoroughly. It was a beautiful place, she admitted, a nice getaway if ever needed, not the largest beach in the world, but the secluded area was taken note of, in case she sought and escape to solitude once more. The sun was setting in the direction she had traveled from, the dimmed glow of the sun on the horizon casting long shadows over Myrrh, and the water she was still standing in.

Myrrh let out an audible sigh, knowing that the impending darkness of night meant she needed some form of shelter until morning, though a simple tree, or rock would easily suffice, she preferred a denser area of trees, and such, so not to be disturbed in her rest. She kneaded the ground beneath her, thankful that the underwater sand brought relief to her aching paws, she'd been treading aimlessly over hard rocky ground the entire day without really paying any mind to her physical condition. She dragged herself slowly out of the water, giving her coat a subtle shake in a poor attempt to alleviate her fur of water, before laying herself on the beach facing the open water. This would be a wonderful place to bring someone, if Myrrh wasn't so anti-social she mused, with a slight smirk.
