
we are honey and the bee




4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
11-30-2020, 09:13 AM
He was so sweet, even in this place where she was the most weak he propped her up and held her on high. Poem couldn’t handle the high and low at the same time though, and even through Sparhawk’s humor she was ready to move on and regain her breath. ”Very charming,” she assured him with a smile though her eyes were still misty from her sorrow. She would never stop missing Shaye, and the place in her heart her mother left would never be filled.

The pair of them moved together, and Poem leaned in lightly against his gentle touch and took comfort in his sweet words. Shaye was one of the most important wolves in her life, and even though she was gone Poem wanted Sparhawk to know her. He went on, telling her again how strongly he felt for her. Poem’s heart swelled, she knew he meant them and especially here in the shadow of her mother’s grave she felt them even stronger.

She stopped with him, her body more in tune with him than her mind was, but she let him take hold of her without hesitation. She leaned into his embrace, her eyes filling with tears again as he whispered and held onto her tightly. Poem sobbed lightly, knowing that if anyone could understand her feelings it was the man she loved. There was no question about her feelings now and she’d shout it from the volcano how much she adored the dark man. ”I love you Sparhawk.” She whispered back, pressing her features into the thick soft fur of his neck. ”Thank you.” For being so understanding, for going along with her and supporting her in her sorrow. For being everything she ever needed or wanted. How had she been so lucky to find him?

She didn’t want to let him go, but she still had plans. Now that they’d seen to the past it was time to look towards the future. Would he want to find his own den or would she be able to look forward to falling asleep in his arms as soon as tonight? ”Would you like to see my new den?” It wasn’t really a new den, but if they were going to be serious then she had every intention of raising their children in the den that she had been born in. The one dug out and perfected by Shaye’s own paws. ”I haven’t even been there since Abaven moved, but I thought maybe you could help me make it home again.”