
Acere kids for adoption [CLOSED]



1 Year
11-30-2020, 04:46 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 10:11 AM by eirylys.)

OOC name; Spoopeh
Pup’s New Name; Solstice
Gender; Female
Alignment; Neutral Neutral
Measurements; 39" / Light / Large

An icy blue coat adorns this girls back, accented with the dark frostbitten rims of her ears. Every limb is accented with a pastel pale blue, including her stomach and ears. On each individual ear there are two bars of that same pastel blue as the edges of her limbs. Solstice has lavender purple eyes, and white dotted eyebrows. With Solstice being raised by confident and supportive parents she will always have a bounce in her step, regardless of the situation or of the need for seriousness. She almost always has a smile plastered onto her face, even if the situation doesn't call for such things. Although she quite tall, she has a light build and uses that along with her height to her advantage in spars and fights, along with hunting.

Solstice is very optimistic pup, and she'll keep that as she grows. She was raised by loving and supportive parents, that weren't too happy with her decisions over the year of since her birth and when she left the den for the first time it was a sight to behold. She has a bounce in her step, but a rebellious streak that she'll keep even as she grows to want attention and comfort from those around her. Like most wolves, Solstice does curse... and she won't bar any words from coming out of her mouth as they so please if she's angry enough, and boy does it take a lot to get this massive girl mad.

She's got a slow burn temper, but there's some things that can rile her up within a flick of a tail's notice. One being don't fuck with her family. She might be of a light build but she will definitely be coming for you if you even so much as dare to insult any of her family members- regardless of if the other members of her family approve of such behavior. Solstice is indeed a rebellious teenager, which will become more and more apparent as the coming year unfolds and their alliances and enemies start to change. She might have a heartbreak here or there or maybe a betrayal from her friend of what she's been up to lately... such as her info breaking business that she happens to keep on the side, not letting her family know of the things she says and does behind their backs. As an info broker she's very cautious with her words, oh so cautious with the precious secrets she's been told. She'll only doll them out if she thinks the price for such things can be met... including her own. She won't hold any information back if the price is right or if she can possibly get away with what she's doing. She might not look it, but she's actually quite interested in the artistic points of bones and autumn leaves. She figured out how to make paint from the fruits of big trees such as mango's and banana's.

I plan on achieving the highest level of Healing for this girl, but she'll be a Ranger. She'll either have a snake or a bird it depends on what happens with character development, although a falcon would be ideal. Solstice will take on the Navigation skill as well and become a Infiltrator or Scout specialty skills depending on where her character development goes. She'll more than likely stay in Winterfell and then maaaay leave if something comes to push her out, possibly a plot to do with someone else :3 In the future she would probably be used as a spy of some sort, possibly a scout or an information broker.
RP Sample;

Solstice sauntered into her den that she'd carved out. She hadn't been back for a while now and was excited to sleep on her own pelts again. They'd all been out hunting for the past month to prepare for the coming Winter. She was proud of her success that day, having helped take down at least two deer and have the final killing blow on one of them. It was an accomplishment for someone so young and therefore she was... very, very proud. Solstice started packing the soil down so that she could make a painting, paws moving delicately to get it just right. When she stepped back, the art she'd made was quite beautiful. Bones and leaves were arranged in a fossil exhibit-like structure with paint made from the juice of several different fruits detailing the bones and making it look as if they were alive. Quite beautiful indeed.