
What's a Slipper?



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
11-30-2020, 06:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2020, 06:29 PM by Gwynevere.)
Walk | "Talk" | think

The simple fact that they would given a mission felt very important and exciting and was at the very least something that made her feel like they were contributing in a special way. It didn't really phase her that much that what they had been sent after didn't necessarily have a lot of uses, they needed it and her and Bowen and Indigo would be the wolves to find it! If anyone could find it then it would be them! Plus they got to go outside of the territory which they didn't get to do very much (or at all really) so that was exciting all on its own. At Bowen's beckoning she hopped up and ran over to join her warmer-hued sister and fell into step beside her.

Her mint and lavender eyes peered up at the massive, purple cousin that was accompanying them as Bowen posed the question that she had been wondering as well - how would they find it if Lady's Slipper was so rare?! She wasn't quite as bouncy as her sister, but her excitement was obvious in her smile and wide, curious eyes. When Indigo admitted that he'd never found this particular plant either it made her worried that they'd fail their first very important mission, but she puffed up her chest and determinedly foraged ahead. Surely between the three of them there would be enough eyes on the look out so they wouldn't miss it! They at least new a good place to start since they had been pointed in the direction of the willow trees so surely they would have good luck!

She didn't really talk much until they got to the Whistling Willows but as soon as she spotted all the long branched, drapping trees she couldn't help the "ooooh" of awe at the sight of them. They were so pretty! And their branches were so long! She bounded ahead with a grin and bounced though the thin, wiggly branches and giggled as she weaved in and out of them happily. Suddenly she remembered that they were on a very important mission and she hurried back over to where Indigo and Bowen were, internally scolding herself for getting distracted so easily. But on the way back to them a frog hopped across her path and startled her, making her squeak and stumble backward onto her butt, splashing into a shallow pool of water with a disgruntled frown.

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