
If I'm Not Strong




7 Years
Chrono I

11-30-2020, 06:43 PM

She'd look towards Sota as he asked and continued his out loud thoughts. She wasn't disturbed by the pause they took. Though Aranea was quite fond of Sota and his company and intelligence, they didn't really know much about each other entirely. He'd apologize which Aranea would give a slight shake of her head before turning to move forward in their search. "No need to feel sorry." She'd try to assure, it was better to get to know each other more either way and she could feel that Sota felt the same way about knowing someone inside the pack instead of being surrounded by mostly strangers. She knew Tamsyn too and it definitely helped her with her harsh depressed feelings overall. "I'll be going away for a little bit. I'm going to Abaven to give birth to my pups." She'd give him a side eye with a small smile, she wasn't sure how surprised he'd be by that news. "But I'm coming back. I think helping wolves in need inside The Hallows just calls out to me." And it was a whole truth. If she felt like she belonged anywhere it had to be here where she was putting her skills to use and healing those in need, especially with The Hallows being neutral with wolves of all alignments. She may have had different feelings when she was younger, but she was molded into a much different woman now as what life had done to her and probably others too she was sure. "I've had a really hard time finding where I belong over the years. But I'm hoping this will be it for me."

As they moved on and she spoke, she would veer off again towards the trunks and roots of some of the larger trees. She was looking for Trillium, it had a number of different uses that would be good for the upcoming winter or just for general use. She'd willingly listen to anything Sota wanted to speak about or open up about. She after all felt a different way when they were together. Maybe she just felt like being around him didn't remind her of any of her old ties to the world. Tyranis, or her first litter of children. Or even one of the many packs she was in. She felt very comfortable around Sota but even just a bit happier too if anything.

She'd stop at the rare white flowers growing through the roots of the wetland tree trunk. She'd place her current herbs down beside her while she picked the few Trillium flowers at the root and started to put them in a pile in preparation for their next search. She'd be happy to go back to The Hallows with just the Trillium and the Marshmallow, but she was sure there was one more herb they could give a try at before heading back.

Total Word Count: 1,831 words
Word Count Goal: 2,500 words

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead